
    Υπάρχουν φυτικές θεραπείες για την εμμηνόπαυση;

    When you get an herbal menopause remedy, ensure they include herbs with phytoestrogen properties. Otherwise, your remedy will not do much to alleviate your hot flashes! Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring substances in plants that could influence the role of estrogen in the body.


    Although they can alleviate a few of the symptoms of menopause by changing estrogen action, phytoestrogens aren’t “actual” estrogens in the sense they are the very same estrogens produced by our bodies. Phytogestrogens bind to estrogen receptors in precisely the identical way actual estrogens do, and may either have pro-estrogenic or anti-estrogenic effects – based on how saturated the receptors are. In bodies with low estrogen, as in menopause, empty estrogen receptors may take phytoestrogens, which have a weak pro-estrogen impact and relieve menopause symptoms.

    Unlike synthetic estrogens, which get stored in fat and remain in our bodies for quite a while, phytoestrogens just work on the precursors to estrogen. That way, you can enjoy the aid of an estrogen increase without worrying about the significant health effects of estrogen dominance which could be caused by hormone replacement therapy.


    Below are the five most helpful phytoestrogens for menopause relief.

    • Black cohosh is from a tall flowering shrub that grows in North America. It’s known to contain a non-steroidal phytoestrogen known as isoflavones, which may regulate temperature, strengthen bones, and supply vaginal lubrication.These effects are observed when black cohosh reaches the hypothalamus, the area of the brain which regulates hormone production and body temperature. Many women swear by black cohosh’s ability to alleviate the discomfort brought on by hot flashes and night sweats.Black cohosh can be taken daily for up to six months, but shouldn’t be utilised as a long-term remedy. Since the herb is known to increase the amount of liver enzymes, black cohosh shouldn’t be taken by people with liver ailments.
    • Based on India’s ancient healing tradition Ayurveda, hot flashes, anxiety, and sleeplessness due to menopause are due to an excess in vata energy. Vata is the atmosphere and space energy that modulates motion, breathing, blood flow, and heartbeat. A balance in vata is characterized by energy and creativity. An imbalance triggers anxiety, anxiety, and other physical symptoms.
    • The Ayurvedic approach to treating menopause involves adjusting the vata imbalance with herbs like ashwagandha. The ashwagandha plant is an important herb for Ayurvedic medicine due to its beneficial properties, such as flavonoids and phytoestrogens which may reduce inflammation, reduce stress, invigorate the body, and function as an antioxidant.
    • The perennial plant ginseng is among the most popular herbal remedies for menopause, especially for hot flashes and palpitations. Although there have been few human studies on ginseng’s effect on menopause symptoms, animal investigations show that ginseng lowers body temperature by releasing the adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). ACTH is responsible for triggering the use of glucose and fatty acids, which are important substances that help the body deal with stressors. Increased levels of ACTH were also found to counteract skin temperature increase that results from hot flashes. Although ginseng is mainly a stimulant, it was also found to be useful in handling menopause-induced insomnia.
    • Often known as the “female ginseng” because of its benefits to female reproductive health, dong quai is another important herbal remedy for menopause symptoms. Aside from containing a high concentration of phytoestrogens, dong quai also contains vitamins A, E, and B12. The herb also alleviates hot flashes by dilating blood vessels and increasing the blood circulation. Clinical studies on dong quai reveal that menopausal women who take daily 400mg doses of this herb experienced a 25% drop in hot flashes. Dong quai is particularly powerful when used with black cohosh.
    • Last but certainly not the least is red clover, a plant primarily developed for grazing purposes. Today, however, red clover is a significant cure-all for embarrassing menopause symptoms. Clinical trials on red clover supplementation show it can decrease the frequency of hot flashes and the level of mood swings. Aside from relieving the distress in menopause, red clover can preserve the condition of your health. Its high magnesium and calcium content makes the herb a excellent shield against osteoporosis and bone density loss. Red clover is also believed to increase the amount of good cholesterol, or high density lipoprotein, lowering the chance of cardiovascular disease.
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    Remember, herbal remedies can interact with prescription drugs you may be taking now. Consult your doctor or a certified herbalist before taking any nutritional supplements.



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