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    Ladies can you relate to this situation? Laundry is piling up, the next meal will be ready, kids are waiting to be picked up or dropped off, errands will need to be run and to top it all off – you’re a work at home mom! In the middle of all that busy-ness you really have to get some non-domestic tasks done, like write reports or research information or make business phone calls.

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    Is it possible to have the best of both worlds: professional and domestic? How can those other work at home mother’s seem to get it all done? The solution is simple: time management mastery. Here are a few ideas from work at home moms just like me and you that others have discovered helpful for keeping on track. It all comes down to programs, routines and habits.

    I know it seems so tough to discover a routine since there are several unexpected events that you will need to be ready to manage. However, as soon as you get in the habit of following a regular, you will find more time throughout the day for those unexpected events, and you’ll find yourself more relaxed and prepared to undertake the activities of the day. It feels great to get all your tasks done, and you’ll want to do more of it once you get a taste of the energy of a daily regimen. Cleaning and laundry advice for the work at home mother.


    If you are like me, you then discover as soon as you start doing your cleaning jobs it may quickly find overwhelming and before you know it you have taken up half of your day. I find that I end up neglecting my other jobs so as to receive my cleaning done. This is not a smart use of time for your job at home mom. I’ve found that rather than taking on big cleaning jobs, I split them up into smaller 15-minute or less sub-tasks I reach during different phases of my work day. I find that doing it this way allows me to feel like I’m staying on top of my cleaning jobs, while also getting my other work done. I call these my’cleaning minutes’ through the day.

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    I regularly tidy up these areas with my cleaning minutes during my day: bathroom counter quickly wipe, floor fast sweep and spot mop (just in the high traffic areas), toy cleanup before rest time (with the kids’ help!) . I find that I want to have committed cleaning times every so often, but my cleaning jobs no longer hold my job day hostage. For laundry tasks I follow exactly the same’cleaning minutes’ principle.

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    Break it down into smaller sub-tasks which could be scheduled or accomplished whenever time permits. For me, I don’t enable the laundry to stack up so that I need to dedicate an entire day to laundry. Instead, because of my family size, I would rather do one or two loads of laundry daily. We’ve got a laundry sorter, and all of the family members know how to properly sort their laundry mommy (or daddy) can efficiently throw a load to the machine. While the garments is washing or drying I will concentrate on work tasks or other’cleaning minutes’ tasks.

    The actual problem is what to do if the clothing is dry. I’m sure to subject myself to fold the laundry as soon as it’s dry. This normally takes about 15 minutes. My children are old enough to put away their clothes on their own, so I just put the folded laundry in their beds – they’re expected to put it away neatly inside their closets and dressers. Work time management suggestions for the work at home mother.


    Look closely at your most productive hours throughout the day and be sure that you schedule your job tasks during that period of time. Remember to make the most of kids’ nap times or music/sports practice times – these are great work times for mother! For a number of my friends, the mid-morning is greatest. For many others, late or mid afternoon. I use all those time slots in addition to the late night and late night time slots. We work at home moms need to utilize all the tools available to us! I follow the’break it down into smaller chunks’ principle for both home and work tasks.

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    For work, I understood that my jobs are best defined by where I want to do them: at my computer, on the phone, in my desk/home office, or as an errand. I combine phone jobs with my errand tasks using a hands-free bluetooth headset with my mobile phone. Then I can get on the path to run my errands while also calling people on the telephone. This is a huge time-saving tip. Make sure you practice safe driving! Yes you’re Superwoman, but you can not call on the mobile phone and dig for documents on your attache case while soothing the baby in the back seat and trying to wear makeup while drinking your morning coffee!

    Να το θυμάστε!

    You can do it all – just not all at exactly the exact same time! The most important idea to consider is this: you can not enable your domestic tasks to maintain your job tasks hostage. The reverse principle is also correct. You need to be able to successfully balance both sides of your daily life: home and work. With just a little practice and some diligence to establishing effective routines, you’ll realize that you’re getting more things done during the day and feeling a great deal more effective with both your home and work life.

    Τελική λέξη

    The last thing to consider is this: schedule a few’mommy time’ too. If you’re like me and most other work at home mothers, then you want to understand how important your well -being is to the rest of your household (if they realize it or not). My house revolves around my ability to keep things going: children will need to be cared for, husband has to be sent on his way, house chores have to be done and perform tasks must be achieved. I’m the central hub of each of these activities. If I don’t look after myself, then all of the other tasks don’t get done. I program’mommy time’ in my routine each week – you should too!

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