
    Υπάρχουν πολλές επιλογές για τη θεραπεία του μύκητα των νυχιών των ποδιών;

    Toenail fungal disease can be a serious problem. It is important to explore all possible options. Imagine how embarrassing it is to have discolored, overgrown and foul-smelling nails at the gym, beach, or in your own home. Toenail fungal infection does not have to be a humiliating experience. There are many home and medical remedies that can be used to treat it. If you suspect you may have nail fungus, you should consult a doctor immediately.

    Ας ξεκινήσουμε

    Toenail discoloration, including yellowing and thickening of nails, pain when wearing shoes, and a foul odor are all signs of infection. The most common areas to get infected are the big and little toes. As with any medical condition, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Although toenail fungus is often caused by poor hygiene, it can also be caused by a variety of circumstances that affect even the most clean of people.

    Wearing tight fitting shoes or hosiery when exercising can create a warm and damp environment around the foot that increases the risk of infection. Being barefoot in places where there have been infected people, such as on the deck of a public pool, can also expose you to the fungus.

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    Το γνωρίζατε;

    Toenail fungus is more common in diabetics and people with other conditions that affect circulation. Your doctor may recommend that you see a podiatrist for specialized treatments. Also, your nails should be shaped to facilitate the application of medicated products. For very minor cases, an over the counter remedy may be recommended. He or she may also recommend anti-fungal nail varnish or other topical products such as creams and ointments. Oral medications may be required for long-term systemic infections.

    In extreme cases, a permanent surgical removal may be required. Talk to your doctor about whether you can supplement any prescribed medical treatments with home remedies like tea tree oil, or products containing alcohols such as euchalyptol and salicylate thymol. Combinations of treatments can be very effective for toenail fungus treatment, provided they don’t negatively interact. It is important to keep your feet dry and clean during treatment.

    Take Into Account

    You should wear clean hosiery each day, dry your shoes thoroughly between wearings, and don’t wear sandals or flip-flops in public showers or locker rooms. Keep your nails trimmed and avoid using cosmetic nail polishes. There are many remedies for toenail fungus that you can use to prevent discolored or unsightly toenails. Your doctor can help you find a treatment for this fungus.

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