
    Τι πρέπει να γνωρίζετε για την προσωπική ανάπτυξη;

    It’d be funny how fast time is passing if we weren’t the ones it was occurring. Remember when we were children? It seemed like the days, months, and years crawled by at caterpillar speed. Birthdays, summer, and Christmas Day appeared to be the only exceptions.


    But we live here today, on this fast moving deadline, attempting to maintain our floor business while we grasp in the needs of our womanhood, and everything has changed. Even change has shifted. Does it feel like that for you? Like the major stuff that used to appear to occur to us, you understand, organically, today only pokes at us in the periphery?

    Change shows up now enjoy a raspy whisper, a worrisome nudge indicating that we invite it and make it itself at home. I’ve learned to welcome it, but embracing and initiating change was the toughest thing in the world for me to perform. My work shows me clear signs I was not alone in that way of being.

      Όπου η καρδιά σας στο μανίκι σας;

    Το ξέρατε;

    The reason women struggle with this much is invisible. As a life coach, my job is about encouraging Christian girls with giving themselves permission to quit hiding out in unfulfilling lives and professions so that they can live and be fully expressed, fulfilled, and free. The part about the girls, us girls, giving ourselves permission and quitting with out the hiding, strictly has to do with beating the invisible force of limiting beliefs.

    I’ve done (and still do) oodles and oodles of self work around my own limiting beliefs and I recall the first time I came across”change is tough and hard” as one a good deal of people live by. The split second I read it I had egg on my head. I could not begin to count all of the times I thought or actually said out loud”that is just how I am” when faced with the proposal of lifestyle change around areas like my mental, emotional, physical, and financial habits.

      Να είσαι εργαζόμενη μαμά ή να μην είσαι;

    Καλό είναι να γνωρίζετε

    In actuality, it was a lot easier to make that five word proclamation of protection than it was to conceive of the ginormously complicated idea that I could be altered. But here is the truth: change does not need to be complex. It really is that easy and organic progress that starts the selfsame moment we set our intention to go with the flow of this shift. It doesn’t need to be an undesirable and unknown enemy we hurry to put walls up and raise our fists to defend ourselves against.

    As a Christian woman, as a Believer in Christ, you need to remember (and hope ) that your steps are ordered by the Lord. Your invitations to alter are always excellent. They are constantly God calling you into larger heights personal development and spiritual development, calling you into transformation: higher expressions of glory, freedom, fulfillment and purpose. Whatever changes the Holy Spirit is nudging you to concede to, trust that all is well. That you are ready. You can more than handle it.

      Ποιο είναι το πραγματικό νόημα της Γιορτής της Μητέρας;

    Τελική σημείωση

    Actually, you were made to succeed in it, through it, and from it. Change is the road you will travel to the heights and depths of your untapped potential. So don’t resist whatever it is that is beckoning you to alter. Let yourself go and let yourself be. Every conscious exploration you take to the frontiers of change will transform you to more of your authentic self: stronger, braver, and so much richer in your faith in God.


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