
    Τι είναι ο φεμινισμός; Μια Γυναικεία Δύναμη

    Feminism needs its final wave following the previous few waves in the previous 200 years. The final wave ought to be focused to surpass the sex and result in a balance in the feminine and masculine principles of character in the evolutionary cycle of humankind. Time has come for the growth of womanhood and the female for the introduction of a matriarchal society that’s based on creative and generative action.

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    Such a society will be directed by the forces of love, compassion, nurturing and a unifying and inclusive model of growth instead of reductionism. The feminist movement should now address issues that are broader and which cover the role of women in the society and the world in a holistic way. It should now become a movement that’s inclusive in nature and which should readdress the connection between woman and man in every sphere of life. The feminist movement must ask questions concerning an alternative model of society in which economic and social development takes under account the balance that needs to be achieved with character.

    Progress and development shouldn’t be at the expense of destruction of the character or in the expense of marginalization and deprivation of certain sections of the society. Women continue to be marginalized and exploited in a variety of ways across the world and feminism should address these problems aggressively. The feminist movement must advocate and work for the breaking of glass ceiling for women in the present social, economic, spiritual and political structures.

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    But more than that, the feminist movement must reveal a new path of creative, generative and constructive liberty. The new wave of the feminist movement must transcend the sex and should concentrate on creating new structures in the society whether it’s in the social, economic, religious or political spheres of life. This may be achieved depending on the tradition of balance between the feminine and masculine principles of nature. Such arrangements created should be path-breaking, revolutionary and innovative in nature and they ought to aim towards production of a new order based on matriarchy.

    Here the structures generated should usher in a brand new way of thinking and doing things and they ought to try for the forward movement of humanity in a holistic way. Therefore the last wave of the feminist movement must give birth to a new era where humanity evolves towards understanding and opening up of the many mysteries of nature.


    To make a giant leap in this direction it’s also essential for us to understand what is feminism, what’s been the history of the feminist movement, what’s the definition of feminism as important in different areas of the world, how is faith and the feminist movement associated, what’s the reason of the feminist theory, feminist philosophy and feminist theology and how is the modern, liberal and international feminist movements taking shape? A comprehensive study of the above questions and a re-synthesis depending on the tradition of balance between the feminine and masculine forces of nature will give genesis into the last wave of feminism. The last wave will revolutionize human thinking and way of doing things.

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