
    Πώς να χειριστείτε τις εξάψεις κατά τη διάρκεια της εμμηνόπαυσης;

    Welcome to the hot flash sisterhood! Most women (about 80 percent ) experience hot flashes and night sweats to some extent, and for a number of us they become poor enough to negatively affect our lives. The fantastic thing is that we can do something about them. The options are many and there are pros and cons for everybody. There are a lot of herbal and natural remedies for hot flashes.


    Some plants contain Phytoestrogens (plant-based estrogen) that mimics the action of the estrogen our body produces naturally. Soy, Black Cohosh, Red Clover and others are well-known and easily available. Most nutritional supplements for treating hot flashes have a mixture of these herbs (i.e. Black Cohosh, Licorice Root, Dong Quai, Wild Yam, Chaste Berry). A well researched and popular supplement is Remifemin.

    It comprises standardized Black Cohosh and has been used in Europe since the 50s. It’s now available in america. Maca Root is also popular for treating hot flashes. It works on balancing the system in your body which regulates the hormones. A popular product in this class is MacaFem. A drawback of herbal remedies is that it might be several weeks until you are able to feel the benefits.

    Additionally, not every herb or supplement will work for every woman AND what might operate during peri-menopause might not assist with post-menopausal hot flashes. Make certain to use only standardized nutritional supplements from sources you trust. Several investigations have revealed that the nutritional supplement marketplace is rife with products that don’t contain what they claim or worse, are polluted with chemicals that might be dangerous.

      Πού να χρησιμοποιήσετε ένα όπλο αναισθητοποίησης για προσωπική ασφάλεια;

    Hormone Therapy

    It remains the best and quickest way to treat hot flashes. We’ve come a long way because the press reported results from a study that revealed an increase in breast cancer and heart problems with the usage of Estrogen. Now we haven’t only better recommendations for the use of hormones, but also a lot more options. The guideline for all kinds of hormone therapy is to cure for the shortest period in the lowest dosage that’s effective. Traditional Hormone Replacement Therapy with conjugated estrogen (sometimes together with fertility) was the standard hormone therapy for decades. It’s still widely prescribed by physicians despite the potential side effects. Bioidentical hormones are a brand new, and several maintain a safer, way to use hormones.

    They are available by prescription in several forms (patches, creams, suppositories, pills). They can be compounded (made to your specification with a chemical pharmacy) or they are available from your drugstore in standard dosage. Undoubtedly the safest choice to take care of your hot flashes are lifestyle changes. Unfortunately, this option requires the maximum commitment and time to execute.


    It has been demonstrated to decrease the frequency and intensity of hot flashes. Regular exercise will also help maintain a healthy weight. Women who are obese have a more difficult time with hot flashes. A wholesome diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, low in processed foods and sugars, will help with your symptoms. Fruits and vegetables contain chemical compounds (Isoflavones, Lingans, certain vitamins) that will assist with your hot flashes. However this is a long- term shift which takes a whole lot of commitment. If your life is negatively affected by hot flashes, do not be afraid to speak with your physician.

      Ποια είναι η διαφορά μεταξύ της βιοϊσοδύναμης αντικατάστασης ορμονών και της HRT;


    Menopause can be a time of resetting our priorities, and this might be a excellent opportunity to begin leading a healthy life. Plus it will help with our hot flashes also. You may begin with trying a few of the supplements or nutritional supplements together with some lifestyle changes and see if this will work for you. There are tons of options to take care of your hot flashes that vary from simple lifestyle changes to hormone treatment.



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