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    This article will help you get rid of bad breath. Unfortunately, most people who have this problem are not aware that certain foods or drinks can cause bad breath. Bad breath is most commonly caused by volatile sulfur compounds found in the mouth. These compounds are made by bacteria in the mouth.


    Bad breath can also be caused by chronic bronchitis and diabetes, postnasal drip and other respiratory tract infections, kidney and liver diseases, and digestive disorders. Bad breath is most often caused by bad dental hygiene and dryness of the mouth. Bad breath can also be caused by food particles and dead cells in your mouth. This is due to a lack of oxygen, such as the back of the tongue and deep gum pockets.

    Although there are many remedies that can treat bad breath, you should only use natural or homemade remedies. These will work without side effects.

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    These home remedies can help you avoid bad breath. It is important to brush your teeth twice daily. This will remove any bacteria-caused foul odors from your mouth. Regular dental checkups are important. This will allow you to assess the condition of your teeth. Tea is the next home remedy. This will help you reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth. Green tea, and black tea are great for removing bad breath.

    Polyphenols in green tea and black tea prevent bad breath from being caused by bacteria.


    • Bad breath can also be treated with zinc. Use zinc-rich mouthwash. Zinc is able to neutralize sulfur compounds that are malodorous and improves breath. You can easily find it in grocery stores and medical stores.
    • Drink extra liquids such as juices, soups and cucumbers. These liquids help to keep your mouth moist and also help to balance your health lemon oil.
    • Many herbs can also be used to eliminate bad odors, such as rosemary and parsley. These herbs, which include spearmint and Tarragon, can help to refresh your mouth. These herbs can be chewed in small amounts throughout your day.
    • You can also use a mouthwash that contains essential oils such as peppermint oil, tea tree oil, and lemon oil. This will help reduce bad odors from your mouth.
    • Avoid eating garlic, onions, and other fish-heavy foods. Bad breath can be removed by eating curd for six weeks.
    • Tea made from fenugreek can also be taken.
    • Make a solution of baking soda and add water to it. Gargle regularly with this solution. It can also be used to clean your tongue. This is a great home remedy to reduce bad breath.
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