
    Ποια είναι τα στάδια των συμπτωμάτων του HIV;

    For the most part, the symptoms of HIV will be caused by infections caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, or parasites. Many people with HIV don’t have any symptoms for many months to even years after becoming infected. Others may develop symptoms similar to influenza, usually 2-6 weeks after catching the virus.

    Ας το κατανοήσουμε

    Oftentimes, after the first symptoms disappear, there won’t be any further symptoms for several years. During this period, the virus carries on growing and damaging the immune system and organs. Without being on drugs to prevent HIV’s replication, this procedure can take up to a decade typically. The infected person often experiences no symptoms, feels well, and looks healthy. If left untreated, HIV weakens the ability to resist infection. The individual becomes vulnerable to serious illnesses. This stage of disease is called AIDS.

    During late-stage HIV disease, the risk of creating a life-threatening illness is a lot greater. Life-threatening illnesses might be controlled, prevented, and/or treated with the right drugs, often including HIV therapy. There are lots of misconceptions about HIV and AIDS. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) estimate that approximately 1 in every 8 HIV-positive Americans is oblivious of their HIV-status.

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    Diagnosis is made through a blood test that screens specifically for the virus. If the HIV virus was discovered, the test result is “positive.” The blood is re-tested several times before a positive result is given to the patient. If a person was exposed to the virus, it’s critical that they get tested as soon as possible. The prior HIV is discovered, the more likely the treatment will be successful. A home testing kit can be used also. After infection with HIV, it can take from 3 weeks to 6 weeks for the virus to show up in testing.

    Re-testing might be necessary. If the moment a patient had been at risk of disease was within the previous 6 months, they are able to have the test promptly. However, the supplier will advocate that another evaluation be carried out in a couple weeks. HIV disease can cause AIDS to grow. However, it’s likely to be infected with HIV without developing AIDS. Without therapy, the HIV disease can progress and, finally, it is going to develop into AIDS in the huge majority of cases. Once someone has received an AIDS diagnosis, it will always carry over with them in their medical history.

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