
    Τι είναι τα αντιβιοτικά από φυσικές πηγές;

    Τα θαύματα της σύγχρονης ιατρικής είναι χωρίς αμφιβολία τα αντιβιοτικά. Ανακαλύφθηκαν για πρώτη φορά το 1928 με την πενικιλίνη. Τα αντιβιοτικά έγιναν τόσο δημοφιλή το 1940 που εξαπλώθηκαν ταχύτατα σε όλο τον κόσμο. Οι γιατροί και οι ασθενείς άρχισαν να αγνοούν τα φυσικά αντιβιοτικά και να τα χρησιμοποιούν αντ' αυτού για τη θεραπεία λοιμώξεων όπως αυτές που προκαλούνταν από αρχαίες θεραπείες όπως το ιχθυέλαιο και το έλαιο συκωτιού φάλαινας. Το ιατρικό σύστημα έχει αλλάξει δραματικά τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες. Αυτό έχει οδηγήσει σε κατάχρηση των αντιβιοτικών μέσω της υπερβολικής χορήγησης και της κατάποσης. Αυτό έχει ως αποτέλεσμα την αύξηση της ανθεκτικότητας στα αντιβιοτικά και της μη ανταπόκρισης ή TDR (totally drug resistant). Ευεργετικά βακτήρια Τα ευεργετικά βακτήρια του εντέρου...

    Beneficial Bacteria

    The gut’s beneficial bacteria can also be killed by excessive treatment with chemical drugs. This can lead to bowel disorders. Propiotic can restore intestinal balance and correct the defect. This returns normal flora back to normal. Recent studies have shown that beneficial bacteria, particularly in the intestines can be affected by antibiotics and may persist for several years. If antibiotic-based therapies are necessary, they should only be used in life-threatening situations. Nature offers powerful and effective options for non-life-threatening infections like colds, leukemia, or infections of the skin or sinuses. There are over 40 varieties of oregano.

    However, wild oregano is the most effective and strongest for anti-infectious therapeutic effects. Treatment for foot and nail fungus. Use a tablespoonful of oregano oil to soak your feet in warm water. You can dilute organo oil by adding a drop to a tablespoon olive oil. Then, rub the mixture on your nails and skin. Treatment of parasites, infections. As explained previously, mix the oil and place it under your tongue. After a few minutes, get rid of the mixture. Repeat this process at least four times per day. Inhale a few drops of oregano into boiled water. It is a strong spice, which has been used for thousands upon thousands of years because of its strong healing properties and anti-infection effects.

    Antidote Effect

    This is more than a popular benefit. It also has an antidote effect, and it is a scientifically proven antibiotic. Pepper oil is especially effective in treating vaginal infections that are common among women. A study has shown that pepper oil can be used as an antifungal or bacteria-causing agent. Pepper oil should always be mixed with olive oil as it can cause a burning sensation on the skin. Pepper oil can also be used at home to kill bacteria that may injure your throat. Extract from exotic seeds. Grapefruit seed extract has been shown to be a natural antibiotic that is highly effective against most types of infection. A study revealed that exotic grape extract can be used as an antibiotic against a variety of bacteria. It can be used topically as an antibiotic, and as a home remedy for warts.

      Ποιες είναι οι αιτίες των πονοκεφάλων;

    Garlic is a good choice among all antibiotics and can be used internally. Because he can kill the pathogen. It is not only bacteria but also viruses and fungi that can be killed without harming the good bacteria in the intestines. Garlic is rich in phytochemicals and sulfur that bind to toxic heavy metals like lead and cadmium, preparing them for elimination from the body. Garlic has anti-bacterial, fungal and virus properties. It acts as a probiotic, which promotes the growth and development of beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Garlic helps to prevent fat oxidation. Garlic acts as an antioxidant and fights against DNA damage. Protects against sun and radiation damage.

    Garlic Benefits

    Garlic is a natural anti-parasite and worm fighter. Has many benefits in digestion. It is found in many foods that contain vitamins (C,B1, B2, and B3). Also contains minerals such as calcium, magnesium, selenium, beta sitosterol (C,B1, B2, and B3), vitamins like calcium, iron, folic, manganese (B2, B3), selenium , caffeic acid (C,B1, B2, B3), saponin, stigmasterol (Stigmasterol), and rutin, and sterol, to help with the plant-based, Alcine, which is found in garlic, is an effective and powerful antibiotic against MRSA, one the most common antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

    Marinated garlic in olive oil is a common household remedy for ear infections and other external infections. Sauteed one garlic clove in olive oil and soaked in it for 30 minutes. The mixture can be heated by placing it in warm water. Avoid heating it at high temperatures as this could cause it to lose its natural benefits.

      Πώς να σταματήσετε το έκζεμα Flare Ups;


    To relieve inflammation and to prevent bacterial infection, you can use several drops of the warm mixture in each ear. Garlic oil is safe to use in children. You can also use several drops daily to remove accumulated ear wax. Fresh ginger has been shown to be an antibiotic against foodborne pathogens such as salmonella and listeria. Fresh ginger also increases stomach acid production, which can help with indigestion. Fresh ginger is recommended if you plan to eat foods that are likely to spread diseases like oysters or sushi. Many people don’t know the many benefits of olive leaf extract as an natural antibiotic. The healing properties of olive leaf extract were discovered to be effective against malaria and also their ability to reduce heat and fever during severe health conditions.

    The olive tree leaf was found to contain oleuropein, which has been credited with resistance to disease. Studies have also shown that alenolic acids, which is a component in oleuropein has natural antibiotic properties against not only bacteria but also fungi, viruses, and more. Turmeric is a spice used in Indian cooking for many centuries. Kelly Brogan’s research has shown that curcumin found in turmeric is an effective anti-helicobacter Pylori. This is the most common stomach ulcer.


    Curcumin heals any contagious damage. Turmeric is also effective in relieving symptoms such as fever and nasal allergies. Fenugreek, a type of herb used to fight infection, has been extensively researched. This plant is used to fight infection caused by cold symptoms and infection in the upper respiratory tract. It can also be used to treat other infections such as urethra infections, leukemia, vaginal infections due to fungus, and septicemia. This is a bacterial infection that affects blood, tonsillitis, and gum disease. Honey is an effective antibiotic that has many benefits. Manuka honey, which is a New Zealand honey, is the best because it has anti-infection properties.

      Τι λειτουργεί για τον πονοκέφαλο και την ημικρανία;



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