
    Μπορώ να εξοικονομήσω χρήματα με θεραπείες ακμής στο σπίτι;

    Acne is a common cause of frustration for many, young and old. Acne is characterised by pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and zits. These blemish the face, which is the most visible area of the body, and leave terrible scars. They can also be very painful. Effective treatment for acne has been sought-after for years.

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    Many people believe that acne can be left alone and will heal over time. Others seek the advice of a dermatologist and follow their recommendations. However, there is another school of thought that strongly recommends homemade treatments, mainly in the form face masks. This is because organic treatment is the best option for acne.

    These home remedies are free from unwanted side effects, and only use natural ingredients.

    Οικιακές θεραπείες

    Home remedies for acne have many other benefits. They are also much more affordable than spa treatments and parlor visits. It will cost you very little more than what you already have, as most of the ingredients can be found in your home.

    Let’s take a look at the best home remedies to make your skin look great. It is easy to make one of the best face masks for your acne.

    • All you need to do is mix some honey, water and aspirins. Mix three tablets of aspirin in one teaspoon of water. Add one teaspoon honey to the mixture. Mix the mixture well. Apply the mixture to your face for approximately 15-20 minutes. It can be washed with warm water, then dried. The mask will hydrate your skin while the aspirin will exfoliate and remove excess oil. This will help reduce acne.
    • Chamomile tea is another highly recommended treatment. Chamomile tea is well-known for its high level of anti-oxidants. It helps reduce acne by removing excess oil from the pores of the skin’s sebaceous glands. Make a cup of tea and then use a small cotton bud to wipe your face. Chamomile tea’s anti-oxidants will do wonders for your skin. Aloe Vera juice, available in most drug shops, can also help reduce acne scarring.
    • Sandalwood paste is another popular and recommended treatment for acne. Sandalwood paste is a great natural treatment for acne. It dries the skin by removing excess oil. Sandalwood paste is often mixed with ground black gram. Leave it on your skin for at least one night.
    • Strawberry juice is another effective, but less well-known acne treatment. Mix half a cup of honey with two tablespoons of clay. Add the juice of 3 crushed strawberries to it. You are now ready to make your own strawberry mask. Apply the mask to your face, and let it sit for 20 minutes before washing it off.
    • Honey and clay clean the skin and remove bacteria and dirt clogging pores. Strawberry exfoliates the skin, leaving it radiant and acne-free. To get rid of acne, you can also apply the juice from raw papaya and the peel of an orange to the affected areas.
    • Cornstarch mixed with water makes a great oil-absorbing mask.
    • A homemade mask that works well is one that uses powdered or roasted pomegranate skin and fresh lime juice. This will dry out the pimples, reduce inflammation, and help reduce inflammation.
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    Τελική συμβουλή

    You should also remember to live a healthy lifestyle to get rid acne. Avoid junk food and fried or oily foods. Drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters per day, and exercise regularly. Make sure to remove your makeup before you go to bed at night. Avoid oily, greasy makeup and hair products. Your acne problems will disappear if you live a healthy lifestyle and reduce stress.



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