
    Είναι ο βελονισμός και η βοτανοθεραπεία καλή πρόληψη του καρκίνου;

    Many studies report the achievement of acupuncture and herbal treatment together with symptom and pain management for cancer. This is mostly utilized to alleviate the negative effects during radiation, or chemotherapy. Tongue ulcers, and mouth sores, peeling skin, rashes, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, headaches, depression and anxiety are common side effects of Western therapy.


    All enhanced through Traditional Chinese Medicine (which includes acupuncture and Chinese Herbal medicine). How else should we be using this ancient medicine to assist the critical problems of the toxic world?

    • Reduces stress- psychological and physical.
    • Supports and boosts the immune system.
    • Releases beta endorphins, affects the central, autonomic and sympathetic nervous systems.
    • Balances hormones and positively affects the endocrine system with the objective of bring in g the body to balance (homeostasis).
    • Helps detoxify the kidneys and liver.
    • Promotes blood circulation and circulation.
    • Removes stagnant energy. Stagnation is due to power and blood becoming”stuck” or congested.
      Επηρεάζουν οι χολόλιθοι το αναπαραγωγικό σύστημα;

    The Politics of Cancer

    In 1978. The economic benefits of treating cancer form the cornerstone of Western therapy at the cost of eradicating cancer. Cancer survivors are the first to decrease the stress, exercise, and improve their nutrition. They alter – forever. Their wake up call has been received and they know all to well that they have to keep a balanced lifestyle with appropriate diet and nutrition. Why don’t we as a country get it?



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