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    What is the difference between a migraine headache or a regular headache? There are many causes of headaches. These can include whiplash, sinusitis, and other symptoms that may be caused by viral or bacterial infections. A migraine is a severe headache that is often preceded by other symptoms. Migraine headaches can affect many people. Although the cause of migraine headaches is unknown, medications can be used to manage or at least minimize the symptoms.

    Πονοκέφαλος ημικρανίας

    Auras are usually signs of a migraine headache. These are sensory abnormalities like light or hot flashes or blind spots, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms. A migraine headache is a severe condition that causes severe pain. Most people will seek out a dark place where they can lay down. Although many factors can trigger migraine headaches, some doctors believe that migraines are caused by a chemical imbalance within the brain. This is the case with serotonin.

    The brain’s serotonin levels can drop, which could lead to migraines. This could be due to a malfunction in the nervous system’s regulating mechanism. Certain foods and drinks can also trigger migraine headaches. Drinks are the main culprits, especially red wine and beer. Due to the high levels of monosodium glutamate, caffeine and aspartame in diet soft drinks and pops, migraines can be caused by many of them. Aged cheese and chocolate are two foods that can trigger migraines. You should stop eating the foods mentioned above if you experience migraines.

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    Migraines can also be caused by sensory triggers like excessive sunlight, sun glare, and loud noises.

    • Family history. Your family history can also influence whether you get migraines. You are more likely to get migraines if you have migraine-prone relatives.
    • If you are less than forty years old. Migraines most commonly occur in those between 20 and 39 years old. Although this may not be permanent, if you are susceptible to migraine headaches, your first migraine will most likely occur in your twenties.
    • Migraines are more common in women than in men. While migraines can be experienced by men, they can also be experienced by women. Women can experience extreme hormonal changes that can trigger migraines. Migraines are more common in women who are young adults and girls in their twenties.
    • Hormonal changes can also pose a risk factor. Hormones can become wild during women’s menstruation cycles. These hormonal changes can lead to migraine headaches. Women can also experience migraines in the first trimester or after menopause.

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    Not all headaches are caused due to migraines. To rule out other causes, your doctor may order additional tests.

    • Computerized tomography, or CT, is one example of a test that can be performed. A CT is an imaging procedure that takes series of X-ray images of your head. This provides physicians with cross sections. Your doctor can use these images to diagnose any abnormalities, such as tumors, infections, and other diseases that could cause headaches.
    • To diagnose your headache, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used. An MRI uses radio waves and a strong magnet to create cross-sections of your brain. It can detect minute abnormalities, such as hemorhaging or strokes.
    • A spinal tap, which can be painful, is the last option. A spinal tap involves a puncture of the lumbar. The fluids can then under a microscope be examined. If your doctor suspects that you may have meningitis or an infection of your cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid that protects your brain, spinal cord, and brain), this test will be performed.
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