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    La ménopause et l'insomnie sont-elles liées ?

    Insomnia is one of the most common complaints of women in the premenopause and menopause years. From difficulty falling asleep, to frequent awakenings, to waking up in the middle of the night and not having the ability to return to sleep.

    Woman’s health

    Doctors specializing in women’s health are increasingly more threatening these menopause symptoms into the sharply declining output of estrogen and progesterone from the ovaries as women age. One key study on this is titled:”Progesterone Reduces Wakefulness in Sleep EEG.” (EEG is an electroencephalogram, which is a method for analyzing the electric current within the mind ).

    The study was done in Munich Germany with the purpose of testing whether replacement treatment with progesterone improves sleep . Ten healthy postmenopausal women were evaluated at the beginning and the end of the study with sleep EEG recordings. Progesterone was shown to decrease wakefulness and enhance sleep. John R. Lee, M.D. Women should search for a natural progesterone cream which has no artificial chemicals, colours, preservatives, fragrances, or mineral oil.

      Que savez-vous de la dépression ménopausique ?

    Natural, body-identical progesterone cream carries none of the side-effects of hormones that are anabolic. If a girls uses too much, the only side-effect which might happen is a lot of nausea or fatigue during the day. The perfect type of natural progesterone cream just may have the ability to soothe those restless, sleepless nights into serene, peaceful slumber.



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