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    Que savez-vous des fibromes utérins ?

    The frequent age for a female to develop fibroids is in her reproductive years, but girls that are facing their twenties get them too. Some women can have fibroids in their uterus and not even know it. These kinds of fibroids are extremely common and may attack 1/3 of women.

    All about Fibroids

    Fibroids can come in many sizes and can exist in tiny sizes without giving any distress to the women. On the other hand, when a very large, or set of large size fibroids grow in the uterus they can cause intense pain and leave the girls with the essential option to get them treated.

    The difficulty many women will face once they have found they have fibroids is their family physician will tell her that they could be cancerous and then recommend surgery to have her uterus removed. The topic of uterine fibroids is one which many doctors aren’t too familiar with and thus don’t have much more than the recommendation of operation for their patients.

    The truth is you must seek more information from individuals who are more educated in this subject and get more treatment options than surgically removing your uterus. When is treatment necessary? A fibroid condition ought to be treated if they cause you any signs. Many women can have fibroids but they’re too little to be causing any symptoms therefore they could go on with no treatment whatsoever because they are benign. They aren’t cancerous nor do they become cancer.

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    They can also exist without interfering with other organs. When quite large-sized fibroids are present and do interfere with the bladder by way of instance, this is typically the time that more severe symptoms begin occurring. Blockage of the bladder is a frequent problem and can get severe enough that urination becomes very painful or impossible in any respect, so a catheter is used.

    Since the late 90’s a noninvasive treatment for uterine fibroids was invented called fibroid artery immobilization. The process is a simple one done in the hospital with a specialist. A small incision is completed in the gut area and a sort of catheter is put into release particles which then block the blood circulation in the uterine arteries, finally stopping growth of the fibroids and then gradually making them shrink in size, which makes them too small to interfere or cause any more serious symptoms.



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