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    Que pouvez-vous faire pour stimuler la repousse des cheveux ?

    Aromatherapy dates back to the Egyptians and has been used for centuries to treat various bodily conditions.

    Hair Loss During Menopause: Use Essential Oils

    Losing hair causes both men and women anxiety, and it has generated a multi-million dollar market. But studies show that inexpensive, home-grown remedies could just be the ideal answer. Aromatherapy includes concentrated flower extracts, roots and leaves from various plants which aid regeneration. This sort of hair loss is known in medical terms as Alopecia Areata. It’s a patchy sort of hair loss thought to be associated with an autoimmune disease. These oils were mixed in a carrier oil that was a combo of 3 ml of jojoba and 20 ml of grapeseed oil. The control group received unscented carrier oils with no vital oils added. The oils have been massaged into the scalp for at least 2 minutes and a warm towel was wrapped around the head to assist absorption of the oils. Patients were advised to use this technique every evening. Professional photographs of every individual’s scalp were taken at baseline, three and seven weeks. Observed changes over this time period served as the principal outcome measure. Outcomes were also quantified by mapping bald spots and severity of alopecia with a four-point scale. At the end of seven months that the results were remarkable: 44% (16 of the 35 patients) had noticeable improvement compared to 15% (6 of 28 patients) from the placebo or control group. The typical hair regrowth with the vital oils was 104 square cm compared with almost zero to those in the control group. Hay, Isabelle C., et al.? Randomized Trial of Aromatherapy: Successful Treatment for Alopecia Areata. ? Is 44% response rate worth the effort to try out these vital oils? It’s important to remember that according to the writers of the experiment, this percentage is roughly the same reaction rate dermatologists anticipate with standard medical treatments. The results imply that aromatherapy is a safe and effective remedy for this sort of hair loss. Trying this alternative treatment is far less costly, requires no or fewer physician visits and has a lower risk of side effects. So what have you got to lose?

      Comment guérir l'insomnie pendant la ménopause ?


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