Plus d'informations

    Les migraines sont-elles généralement des coups de poing ?

    Migraines are one of the most common complaints in medicine. It is a common reason for frequent Emergency Room visits. However, most people who seek treatment for migraine headaches at ER get only partial relief or no relief at all. You will never forget a migraine headache and will do everything to prevent another one. Migraine can be a complex, recurring headache disorder that can present in many ways.

    Migraine Maux de tête

    Migraine headache is a pounding, throbbing headache that affects one side of your head. It can also cause visual disturbances like blurred vision, light spots, sound sensitivity, nausea, and light and/or sound sensitivity. It can be very uncomfortable, debilitating, or mildly uncomfortable and can last for hours or even days. An aura, which can manifest as visual disturbances or light sensitivity, may precede it.

    Classic migraines are those with an aura. Common migraines are those without aura. Other types include Ocular Migraine and Chronic Paroxysmal Hemicrania, Chronic Daily Migraines, and painless migraines (Acephalic). Women are more likely to suffer from migraines than men.

    Les chiffres

    Environ 75% des personnes souffrant de migraines aux États-Unis sont des femmes, et 70% ont un parent au premier degré qui a souffert de migraines. Les migraines peuvent être confondues avec d'autres types de maux de tête tels que les céphalées en grappe, les céphalées de tension, les céphalées cervicogéniques et les maux de tête sinusaux. Les lésions cérébrales ou les tumeurs cérébrales peuvent provoquer des maux de tête chroniques. Le foramen ovale (PFO) est une autre cause potentielle de migraines. Le foramen ovale désigne un petit trou dans le septum interauriculaire.

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    It is normal in the heart anatomy of gestation before birth, but should close soon after. It can be called Patent (open), and allows blood from the heart to bypass the lungs and travel to the brain and coronary arteries. This condition increases the risk of strokes. As treatment options can vary, it is important to get a diagnosis.

    La prévention

    Although there is no cure for migraines (or any other condition), there are medications that can reduce the severity and frequency of migraines. There are two main types of treatment: preventive and abortive. When migraines occur, abortive medications can be used.

    These medications are most effective when taken right away. While we should be cautious about overusing abortive medication, the rebound effect secondary overuse of medication is one of the main causes of chronic headaches. It is not recommended that you take abortive medication more than 8-10 times per calendar month. Preventive medication are taken daily to prevent migraines. A few herbs and supplements have also been shown to be effective in relieving migraines.

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