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    Que savoir sur les remèdes maison contre la mauvaise haleine ?

    It is not surprising that so many home remedies for bad breath have appeared, since so many people have dealt successfully with halitosis since before the dawn of time. Bad breath can come from many different sources. The list of home remedies for bad breath will vary depending on the source. Sometimes you have to deal with tooth decay, gum disease, or other issues. Sometimes, you may have sinus or throat infections or digestive problems.

    Remèdes maison

    You can adjust your bad breath home remedies to suit your situation. This will help you achieve greater success. A good oral hygiene is one of the most common home remedies for bad breath. If you don’t take good care of your mouth, bacteria can build up and produce unpleasant gases and exhale. It is always a good idea to floss and then brush your teeth to get rid of any food that may be hiding in your mouth.

    This can help to reduce the amount of persistent bacteria. Sometimes you may not be able brush your teeth. In these cases, strategic herbs can be used as home remedies for bad breath. Although cloves and mint leaves are very helpful, most people prefer to chew gum.

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    Another clever snack idea is to chew sunflower seeds and drink water. Cardamom seeds are known to sweeten breath. It doesn’t sound strange to use herbs, but it has been done before and you have been exposed to it. You may have noticed that most meals come with some parsley. This is because freshening your breath by chewing fresh parsley after eating will help you to smell fresh.

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    Using herbs is one of your best and most effective home remedies for bad breath. Some people don’t like the idea of using herbs so they look for other bad breath home remedies, such as certain foods and beverages. It’s said that eating an apple is similar to brushing your teeth. It can do a great job of eliminating bacteria. It can be used to gargle with fresh lemon juice, or to make your own lemonade.


    Some people like tea. It is a good idea to make your own brewed greed tea. Tea made with methi seeds can also be used. Try pineapple juice if hot drinks are not your cup of choice. This home remedy is delicious and works well.


    There are many home remedies that you can use in addition to the food, drink, and herbs mentioned above. Many toothpastes now contain baking soda. There’s a reason for this. Gargling with baking soda and water can help get rid of bacteria and keep your tongue clean. Hydrogen peroxide can also be used. This will also put an end to the bacteria. These are just a few of the home remedies for bad breath you can try. You should always start with a complete oral hygiene regimen that includes flossing, brushing your teeth, and flossing your gums. You should also remember that there may be a dental problem and you should see your dentist.

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