
    What To Know About Birth Control For Menopausal Women?

    Birth control, never straightforward or easy, is complex incredibly from the erratic ovulations and unpatterned menses of the premenopausal and menopausal years. Remember your high school chums who suddenly had a little baby brother or sister? The biological imperative to reproduce does not die without a struggle. This report is for people who don’t need a(nother) child.

    Barrier methods

    Barrier methods (diaphragms, cervical caps, and condoms) are great options for menopausal women. But the spermicides used together can provoke vaginal yeast infections, bladder infections, and dryness. Try an erotic massage rather than intercourse. Use a special lubricant, like coconut oil. Light candles; purchase a bouquet of flowers. Ejaculation control and withdrawal will not prevent conception for a woman at the forefront of her fertility, but it will for many menopausal women. And, it is a wonderful way to nourish intimacy in a relationship.

    Self-pleasuring is safe sex for menopausal women. Guaranteed to not lead to pregnancy and promotes health, too! Let Betty Dodson assist you with her self-loving tapes and books.


    Your mid-life mate may enjoy learning that sexual pleasure is more than penetration. Lesbianism and celibacy also work really nicely. Get him (along with his testicles) in warm water. Sperm can easily be killed at temperatures over 110F. If he stays in warm water for 15-25 minutes every day for six weeks, then he’ll shoot blanks for at least three months. A vasectomy is much safer, and lasts longer.

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    Women find a teaspoon of wild carrot seeds (Daucus carota or Queen Anne’s Lace) consumed in food daily is a remarkably effective way to avoid pregnancy. Doctors who used to inform menopausal women to stop taking birth control pills today urge them to begin, then change to”replacement” therapy. Remove your IUD if it causes heavy menstrual periods or flood, common menopausal issues which may be serious threats to your wellbeing.

    Sterilization and hysterectomy

    These are extreme forms of birth control for menopausal women who will need no birth control of any sort. Legal Disclaimer: This content isn’t meant to replace traditional medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed aren’t meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal directions and use should be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner with a specific formula for you. All material in this report is provided for general information purposes only and shouldn’t be considered medical advice or consultation. Contact a reputable healthcare practitioner if you’re in need of health care. Exercise self-empowerment by seeking another opinion.

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