
    How To Be A Woman Of Excellence?

    As the masters of ceremonies recited the features of a very special lady who had contributed so much to the community by her participation through time, Mary had no idea that he had been talking about her. Sitting in the large auditorium in the Appreciation Day demonstrations she wondered who this unique woman may be. She marvelled that a girl could be so loyal and loyal to the causes she supported.

    Good to know

    The amount of years of involvement as well as the glowing terms about loyal service, her ready wit and engaging grin painted a visual image of someone quite special. Hearing her own name resound over the speakers caused the muscles in her body to go stiff and the sparks to fly in her brain. The applause startled her. The gentle hands of her companions urged her to proceed. Like a little flicker of fire deep inside her breast, she stepped at first tentatively, then with a more positive stride, as the glow of appreciation climbed. Her lips felt hot and her grin widened and she knew what she’d done for the love of being involved, helping others and being a part of her area was being recognized.

    The internal glow was burning with a fire that what she had sometimes doubted, was actually of significance to others. The hush of expectancy filled the room and her voice, at first faint and wavering, gathered force as she tried to explain that she wanted to do was make herself useful and to perform the job that had to be done. She recounted tales about her years of dedication and work and finished with two simple phrases. The applause erupted and people rose to their feet.

    Tears filled her eyes and she knew at that instant she had reached beyond her wildest fantasies and become a successful girl, something she believed was beyond her. Success is reaching our own targets. However much we get the compliments of others if we haven’t reached the goals we set for ourselves we can’t feel we’ve been really a success. Never setting a goal is guaranteed to result rather than reaching one.

    About Goals

    Goals are made from our wildest fantasies and deepest longings. They come as a whisper from a guiding angel, a bolt of lightening of divine intervention or a constant trickle of a notion constantly tickling our heads. Setting personal goals is something which could help us in changing not only our own life but the lives of others. I recall when I had been told as a kid that my brother was the smart one and I was mum’s best little helper.

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    I tried to be smarter and achieve at school but my success was not encouraged and rewarded. I received praise for domestic chores not academic achievements. Obviously I did badly in school and while I did do well in the tasks I put my mind to, I felt that the compliments for baking and sewing were somehow less significant than what my brother did. Many times I confronted a feeling of failure, lost faith in my own price and wanted to stop being the person I believed would please other people.

    I felt trapped in the responsible woman role and angry at the constant demands of domestic chores. I watched my brother triumph and afterwards my husband, while I played with the enabler role in the backdrop. I listened to praise and admiration from family and friends yet somehow felt hollow inside. I tried to conceal my feelings, believing I had been expecting too much.

    About feelings

    Gradually, I met one then another girl who shared my feelings that there were dreams we hadn’t yet chased and challenges we all longed to confront. For some it had been cooking dishes their family members would not eat, or maybe documenting family history, or leading a cause that was frowned on by some. For many others it was telling their story to people who would listen. For me it was teaching what I’d learned about the actual challenges that confront us in our own lives.

    I wish to use the lessons of life I have learned in ways that help others live their life with purpose and intent. The road can be long and twisting and only when we believe we are going to reach in an area we’ve strived to accomplishour world can come crashing down. Illness, injury, marital problems and family obligations can take our time and energy and change the course of our lives.

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    Our fantasies seem dashed and a feeling of disappointment can feel as though it is going to absorb those efforts and trainings. How we see ourselves could be the most crucial part of determining whether and when we could find our route again and regardless of a detour, return to the way of our dreams. Hope is the main ingredient which we can hold onto when all appears lost. Excellence in life is dong whatever we choose and we could do it. Comparing ourselves to others, like I compared myself to my brother, is a dead end trail. For I’m the only person who is Me. I’ve unique God given gifts to use and develop. Each of us has our own path and our own struggles. We must all face the dark night of the soul and the joyous moments when we know we’ve done the very best we are capable of performing given the situation with which we must deal.

    Take into account

    Sometimes, when I feel the hope slipping away, the challenges are too great and the abilities to perform the job evade me, I have found that letting go of my desires and expectations, my thoughts about what’s wrong and needed and turning the situation over to the Higher Power of the world, a gift of vision, an intuitive suggestion or an internal voice guides me through the confusion. It’s as if my Self should escape the way and let Divine Guidance direct me.

    While the applause and decorations are rewarding, there’s nothing quite like a feeling of knowing I have reached my goals, made my dreams come true and I can again face the amazing task of dreaming new dreams and setting new objectives. The first time I realized I had achieved one of my life targets, I had an anxiety attack. I had not yet discovered that I could set new objectives and that when those were attained I’d again stew from the nervous soup of facing the future with no destination.


    The process of personal development is now a comfortable one and one I have guided many clients through. Making dreams become our reality is feasible for all of us who are daring enough to establish the goals, battle through the disappointments and failures, regroup and come back to the path which leads us to being the finest of our Self. For me that is what it means to be a woman of excellence.

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