
    Did You Know The Stages Of Menopause?

    All of you are very much familiar with the expression that”health is wealth”. This is implemented to all individual no matter their age, sex, social status and etc.. Health is a really important issue for all of the individuals. When it comes to women health, there are plenty of questions to be asked.

    Did you know?

    There are lots of problems when we talk about women health, from these essential issues that most commonly encounter by all girls are discussed here. Every woman experiences the natural phenomena of menopause. Menopause is a natural process where there is permanent stoppage of the normal menstrual cycle and reproductive capabilities. Most women undergo this point after 40 years of life but standard age range is between 45-55 decades.

    It’s the permanent ending of the menstrual cycle because of ordinary changing in the reproductive and hormonal systems of the body. Perimenopause begins several years before menopause because of decrease secretion of female sex hormone in the reproductive organ. The next stage is real menopause, where reproductive organ completely stopped the release of female gamete and secretion of female hormone. It’s diagnosed if there is no menses for around 12 months.

    And the final stage is post menopause which are the years following menopause in which signs of menopause go away but there is greatest risk of health problems. In this there’s surgical removal of reproductive organs and the girls practice the signs and symptoms of menopause. When the girls taking treatment of cancer that’s situated close to the reproductive organs may also lead to the menopause. In this, symptoms of menopause starts during therapy or subsequent treatment.

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    Take note

    Most of the symptoms of menopause are due to he lack of female sexual hormones, these symptoms includes hot flashes, increase heartbeat, depression, anxiety, mood swing, sleep disturbances, bone breaking, joint and back pain, skin wrinkles and thinning. Osteoporosis is the bone disease in which there is weakening of bones so large risk of breaking. These broken bones are called as fractures and most commonly occur in hips, spine and wrist. 6) It normally appears after the menopause where there’s seriously reduction in the female sex hormone that is involved in the bone formation.

    There’s not any single cause for osteoporosis but risk factors can play an essential part in the breaking of bones. AGING: danger of fracture increasing with age.

    • FAMILY HISTORY OF BONE PROBLEMS: particularly if mom had hip fracture.
    • LOW CALCIUM INTAKE: because calcium has a significant role in bone formation lack of calcium could be overcome by taking nutritional supplements.
    • EXCESSIVE INTAKE OF ALCOHOL and CAFFEINE: that’s 2 drinks daily and more than 4 cups of coffee, tea and soft drink.
    • REDUCED BODY WEIGHT: that’s less than 125 lbs. Normally female don’t know that she’s osteoporosis until fracture occurs but a number of the indicators are backache, a gradual decrease in height accompanied by flexed posture and fractures of wrists, hips and spine. Fractures due to osteoporosis are extremely painful and take month for enhancing. Oftentimes, pain goes away when recovery is completed. If the pain stays after healing it’s called as chronic pain and is because the spine bone fracture.
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    Final word

    What the causes of the pain but the feelings of disturbance, anger and anxiety make it even more intense. It’s been demonstrated that lack of female sex hormone can enhanced the potential for heart issues. Because of the lack of the hormone, regular balancing of good and bad cholesterol levels and blood circulation is disturbed that results from the heart problems in post menopausal women. To decrease the symptoms of menopause Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is an effective therapy. Besides this, certain herbs and dietary supplements such as alfalfa, soybeans, flaxseed oils and olive oils useful in improving the symptoms of menopause.



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