
    What Are The Benefits Of Panic Alarms?

    There was a legitimate story recently about a girl who just came from a shopping mall and was led to her car to put her bundles away and go home. It was broad daylight when this occurred. A man approached her from behind and asked her if she could spare some change.

    Did you know?

    Panhandling is illegal in lots of places, but mall parking lots is not one of them apparently. She turned around and saw a disheveled guy heading her way. The hair on the back of her neck stood up and her instincts told her that she was in imminent danger. She already had her keys in her hand and attached to her key ring was a two inch long apparatus that when triggered, sounded 120 dB alarm.

    She told the guy to back off and at precisely the exact same time triggered her personal alarm. The guy immediately left the scene and passersby which were over 100 yards away at the time, came to her help to find out if she was fine. That’s what fear alarms or as some call them personal protection alarms do. They frighten away assailants (or possible assailants) and draw attention to your situation if you feel threatened.

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    Keep in mind

    Personal security alarms and panic button alarms are little hand-held devices which produce an ear-shattering sound when triggered. They’re battery-operated and are often activated with the press of one button. They could emit a sound as loud as 130 decibels, that is the loudest legally permissible. One personal safety alarm created by Mace brand seems like a ship horn using compressed gas.

    Another one is a digital whistle that when triggered makes the shrill sound of a whistle which can be heard from as much as a quarter of a mile off with a 120 decibel sound. Panic alarms and personal protection alarms are a woman’s best friend since they are an inexpensive way for her to defend herself in the case of an attack. Assailants don’t like attention. That’s why most of the attacks are done in dark, secluded areas.

    Final note

    A personal safety alarm could supply a nonlethal method for women to defend themselves. They’re one of many self-defense products which give a nonlethal alternative to the deadly force of a handgun. They are inexpensive and simple to use but most importantly, they are good at providing personal protection and personal security particularly for women.

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