
    What About The Women Coming Full Circle?

    The growth of women appears to have come full circle. It had been less than two generations ago that it was rare that a girl held a job, let alone her own organization. It had been less than twenty years back that girls slowly made their way to the work force, some out of necessity and a few from needing a career outside the house.

    Working factor

    Women have since bridged the difference of working outside the home and staying home with their kids by starting their own home-based company or even taking advantage of this new trend of telecommuting. The objective of working at home is to combine having the ability to keep at home with kids and yet maintaining a livelihood. It appears that this could be the best of both worlds yet; finding a balance to pull off working from home while penalizing raising children is not a simple task.

    I relish the time I get together with my son. I really like being able to begin my day hearing his joyful chatter on a leisurely breakfast, but it isn’t always the best. I discovered challenges as I resorted to working at home. The first one was that the adjustment period. I wasn’t use to having the ability to flex my time, I used to construction – start work at 8:00 am and work until 4:00 pm.

    Take into account

    Not only was I struggling to exercising my schedule to make the most of my time whilst enabling the flexibility that drew me to working at home, but my son had some adjusting to do too. He was used to daycare and sitters during the day. He had mommy home all day long and he equated that with playing mother all day long. When it was time for him to play in his customized play lawn while I tried to find some work, my little angel, my heart, my happy little 1 year old, threw his first officially 1 year old tantrum.

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    After a few weeks of effort spent attempting to get work done while managing a very unhappy little boy I decide it was time to work out how to make everything work. Here are steps I took to earn work at home a much better and productive experience for both me and my son.

    • After I put up my work targets, I estimated how much time I want to devote to my company to accomplish them daily.
    • I construct my schedule around the present schedule. For example, the majority of my work is done around my son’s nap time, which gives me 2-3 hours of uninterrupted time.
    • I gradually incorporated the new program, giving both of us a opportunity to adjust to me working at home.
    • I set up time weekly for the two people to be out of the home. He goes to daycare for a half a day to perform and I work, then after I pick him up we have an outing together. Women are choosing to stay home to convince their livelihood and their role as mom.


    • BE FLEXIBLE. Things happen, work on changing your work schedule so that as things come up you can work around them.
    • LEARN HOW TO MULTI-TASK. Many times I have a roast in the oven, laundry washingmachine, while I’m sorting mail and watching a movie with my son.
    • TAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF! Now that both worlds have merged you will get those “little leaks” such as having the ability to unwind once you get home, become hard to catch. Hire someone to come in weekly for a few hours to give you a bit of time to yourself. Someone to come in and help with the house work can free up your time to the important things which make working at home so attractive to you.
    • ENJOY YOUR TIME. Whether it’s the time spent working on your company or playing with your child(ren), appreciate the fact that you have the chance to do either without feeling that you must sacrifice anything.
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    We’re right back to the time when girls could stay home with their kids, but with the added bonus of being able to convince our own career goals also. As we are with our kids helping them grow it to the people they will become, we’re evolving, growing, and learning as well. Evolving into a new generation of girls that don’t have to choose between our loved ones and our livelihood; Growing into girls which are learning how to get everything.


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