
    Looking For A Self Defense Weapon?

    Are you drawn to a system that only costs barely any cash, but may indicate that the difference in your life or death in an assault? Numerous women today are buying self defense products to have together in an unfortunate period of an attack. Make no mistake; you aren’t imagining the rate of crime is on the increase.

    Self defense

    A non-lethal self defense weapon is a more economical and safer choice than carrying a loaded weapon. Not only can a non-lethal self defense product save your life, but it takes away the burden of using a gun and taking another persons life. In the long term, private self defense weapons are safe if used properly.

    Of course there’s been controversy about Tasers and stun guns being used to torture people with repeated exposure to its electric charge. But we aren’t talking about these instances. We’re focusing on what they can do for you as targeted girl. Women are more at risk. Statistics reveal that most violence is carried out by men, and many have a taste of a female target.

    Because, most but not all females are the weaker sex, and such men which are expecting to do violence, commonly need a weaker adversary. Someone they can control and dominate. With a non-lethal weapon you can lower the risk you will be viciously beaten or murdered when walking to your car during the night, or taking an evening walk on your once secure neighborhood.

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    Non-lethal weapons

    These are fantastic for girls and some are designed with the on the move women in mind. You will find pepper sprays and stun guns that resemble a tube of lipstick, stun guns that are made to look like a mobile phone and a few are even sex color specific also. Most are very discreet and are accessible to seem like simple things you might carry in your handbag or pocket.


    When these products are used properly against an attacker, they could save a womans life. It’s recommended that after buying a self defense weapon which if at all possible, you take a brief course on how best to use it. Some police stations provide safety courses together with their self-defense courses. If these courses aren’t available locally, at bare minimum training with your device of choice and become acquainted with your device and what it can do for you in the event of an attack.

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