
    How To Treat Pilonidal Cyst At Home?

    Pilonidal cyst doesn’t pose a serious threat to life, but it is one of the most challenging diseases. Modern medicine has not found a cure for pilonidal cyst. It isn’t treatable with antibiotics, cyst-drainage cannot completely eliminate the infection, and surgery can be very painful and risky. Many sufferers find a home treatment for pilonidal bladder problems after trying several of these unsuccessfully or reading about others’ experiences.


    Every thing in nature serves a purpose. One example is that bees pollinate plants. This results in the creation of new plants that produce honey. Silkworms produce cocoons which serve to produce silk. Cows produce milk which, besides being a source of oxygen and fruits and vegetables, can also help to improve or restore our health.

    Some plants can also be used as natural remedies for sinus infections. This article will discuss home remedies for pilonidal cysts.

    Home Remedies

    These home remedies won’t cure the problem, but they will help. Aloe Vera is the first home treatment for pilonidal cysts. It is commonly used for skin conditions. It has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Half a glass of aloe vera juice should be consumed once a day. This is quite sour.

    Pinnacle or grape-flavored aloe vera gel is available from some brands. This juice is much more enjoyable. People recommend that you apply hot, raw Aloe vera gel to the cyst to cause it to burst open and expel all its pus. This works well for other cysts, but not for pilonidal ones.

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    Bacterial Infection

    The bacteria in these cysts is the most complex. You may also experience skin burns from hot aloe vera gel. Aloe vera juice can be drunk in the same way as it is applied hot to the cyst.

    Fenugreek is the second natural remedy for sinus infection that I recommend. It is used to treat inflammation and boils. Fenugreek comes in powder or capsules. Take 2 capsules at a time if you are taking the powdered form. If you take the former, you should take 2 capsules each morning and 2 in the evening. If you are taking the latter, follow the same schedule.

    Take Note

    Mix half a tablespoon of the powder in boiling water (half a glass) and let it cool down before you drink it. A paste made with Fenugreek powder can be applied to pilonidal cysts. This is a messy method that I have seen work in my own experience. Once the paste dries, it is very difficult to remove.

    Fenugreek capsules are the best way to get rid of pilonidal cysts. It takes about 10-15 minutes to prepare a beverage using the powder. You may find that you are too busy to make the beverage every day or you don’t take it as often as you should.

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    Garlic is the third natural remedy for sinus infection that I recommend. It has a wider range of action than the other herbal supplements in terms of skin conditions. Garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Garlic can be purchased in capsules or as a juice. Take 2 capsules at night if you are taking the juice. If you take the former, you should take the first two capsules in the morning. Half the glass is for those who get the latter.


    The pilonidal cyst home remedy is not a cure, but can help to manage the problem. These herbs can be used daily to ensure that your cyst doesn’t grow large like many pilonidal patients. If it has, it will shrink.



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