
    How Many Types Of Self Defense On A Keychain Exist?

    Anything you use for self defense is just as powerful as your access to it. This is the principal reason keychain self defense products are among the best sellers. There are four primary kinds of keychain self defense.

    Pepper Spray

    Defense sprays are the most popular kind of keychain self defense. Most come in half oz sizes that give you roughly 6 to 8 one second bursts. This would be sufficient to use against multiple attackers. Pepper spray is an inflammatory agent that swells the mucous membranes. This causes the eyes to close off and the throat to constrict for all but life sustaining breath. Additionally, it causes a burning sensation on the skin. Panic commonly places in. The effects take about 2-5 minutes to install and can last up to 45 minutes, with residual effects lasting several hours. A correctly functioning keychain sized pepper spray will spray 6 to 8 feet, which will help maintain a safe distance between you and your attacker. The largest disadvantage pepper spray has is that you can get contaminated and your goal, particularly if you’re downwind.

    Stun Gun

    The latest technology in stun guns includes a 5 million volt unit that’s about the size of a pepper spray. It has a built in key ring and wall charger. Stun guns work by disrupting the electrical system within the body, potentially disabling your attacker using a minimum 2 second contact. Among the biggest advantages of stun guns is the sound it makes when you dry fire it. The sight and sound of electricity arcing between the prongs was demonstrated to be a deterrent. The principal drawback of stun guns is that so as to disable your attacker, you need to be close enough to make physical contact with them.

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    Striking Tools

    This class includes kubotans and any product that’s used in a striking manner like a Heart Attack. Some of them are based on the self defense urge to set your keys between your knuckles. Kubotans can also be used for stress point compliance and as a flailing tool. Since they aren’t categorized as weapons, striking tools can often be carried where no other sort of self defense product like pepper spray or stun guns are allowed, which makes them an effective tool to get. While they could buy you a few moments of time, the principal drawback is they normally don’t disable your attacker.

    Personal Alarm/ Safety Whistles

    Whistles are used for self defense for decades. There are now digital security whistles available which emit a loud 120 db sound. The benefit to carrying a digital whistle versus a typical whistle is that in a crisis situation, your breathing normally gets shallow and rapid, making the real’blowing off’ of a whistle a tricky task. With an electronic security whistle, you can simply press a button. Personal alarms have the identical impact, and some include a flashlight manner also.

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    A loud alarm can both startle your attacker and draw attention, something that no bad man wants. The main’problem’ with personal alarms and alarms is they are not an offensive instrument, meaning they aren’t made to disable your attacker at all. Each one of those Keychain Self Defense products has its own set of merits and attributes. Choose 1 today that suits your lifestyle and personal defense requirements.



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