
    Does HRT Increase Or Lower The Risk Of Heart Disease?

    Our civilization has gone from ignoring the menopause to medicalizing it. Western medicines now take this regular transition as Oestrogen-deficiency disease. Many women are passionate receiver of hormone replacement therapy and many live perfectly without it.

    The question

    Is HRT(Hormone Replacement Therapy) the probable solution to healthy aging in women? Does Hormone Replacement Therapy reduce or increase the risks of cardiovascular disease in those who take it? After all, many doctors now recommend it for preventing Oesteoporosis(loss of bone minerals), heart disease in addition to the relieve of menopausal symptoms, to decrease the risk of Alzheimers disease (Dementia) and the cancer of the gut. But alas, the answer to whether HRT actually lower the risk of coronary disease isn’t straight-forward and so it’s still unproven.

    There are good reasons to suggest why HRT should be beneficial when it comes to heart health. Most of its formulations is composed of a combination Oestrogen and Progestogen. Oestrogen is known to boost HDL-C, the great cholesterol and decrease LDL-C, the poor one leading to reduced risk of coronary disease. Moreover, in addition, it improves the flow of blood through the arteries.


    Theoretically, Progestogen is thought to have the reverse effect. The reason why progestogen is being added to HRT preparation is since Oestrogen alone may increase the risk of esophageal cancer. So adding Progestogen decrease this risk entirely. Studies have actually shown a decrease in coronary heart disease risk among HRT users compared with non users.but these studies were inconclusive and can’t be regarded as entirely trustworthy. Due to randomized trials, it was discovered that healthy women are those demonstrating remarkable results than women currently with heart disease. To put it differently, HRT didn’t benefit women who have evidence of cardiovascular disease.

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    Breast Cancer

    This threat is real and is linked to the duration of time of the treatment. The risk is increased by 30 percent after five decades of taking it. Women with a history of breast or who have close relatives with the disease should see a specialist before starting on HRT. Fortunately, the risk of breast cancer disappears entirely within five years of stopping HRT even after a long time of usage. In case of esophageal cancer, the risk as previously indicated is mainly removed by the inclusion of a Progestogen.

    HRT may also increase the probability of Venous Thrombosis, but this risk is rather small, about one in every five hundred users each year. The use of HRT in the short term to reduce menopausal symptoms might not be a issue, however long time usage can be a problem. This is a matter of balancing the risks against the benefits in your own case. So you will need to have a careful discussion with your family physician and in the long run you can choose where you want to set your risks. Hey! Remember you can always change your mind.

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