
    Do You Want To Risk Taking HRT?

    HRT is an alternative for the relief of menopausal symptoms like night sweats, insomnia (sleeping disease ), vaginal dryness and the ever so popular hot flashes to mention a few. This isn’t all, since there might be over 30 symptoms that victims may encounter, varying from person to person.

    Hormonal factor

    Estrogen is also famous for preventing the loss of bone density which contributes to a disease called osteoporosis. Osteoporosis causes thin, weak bones that can easily crack, and is extremely common in the elderly. HRT can delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and may prevent other diseases like macular degeneration and colon cancer and there are signs that demonstrates that oral estrogen can help improve cholesterol levels, but haven’t proven to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease.

    Though there are proven advantages to using HRT, are there demonstrated side effects. It’s difficult to ascertain the magnitude of the side effects of this HRT, because of the impossibility of long term clinical trials. If estrogen is taken without progesterone or a progestin, there’s a higher chance of endometrical cancer. After 4 or more years, there’s an increased risk of breast cancer, based on WHI studies.

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    Take note

    Taking progestin continuously with estrogen increases breast density which makes mammograms more difficult to translate. Slightly increased risk of thrombosis (blood clot). Slightly higher risk of prostate cancer. Prolonged use of some HRTs can cause an increased chance of heart attack. Increased risk of coronary disease. HRT can cause negative moodswings. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which is a blood clot in the veins, either in the legs or in the lungs or girls that had a blood clot during pregnancy. For quite a long time it was believed that taking HRT would lessen the risk of heart diseases, but recent studies have demonstrated otherwise.


    Research has demonstrated that girls that lately had an AMI (heart attack) or a CVI (stroke) are more prone to getting an additional attack when they start taking HRT. There are signs that healthy women beginning to take HRT, have a risk of heart attack during their first two decades. There are a few advantages to taking HRT, but the side effects out amount these benefits by far. Women who has previous history of cardiac or vascular diseases should definitely not begin accepting HRTs as that may cause another attack. If you’re having menopausal symptoms, and need treatment, instead do a pure approach. We urge the Menopause Survival Guide. The natural cure for menopause with no nasty side effects.

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