
    Can Chiropractic Care Enhance Immunity?

    Diabetes is a global problem that has affected more than 3 million individuals in the USA alone and the speed is on the upswing. Ironically, diabetes is no longer a disease of middle-aged obese and sedentary practitioners because large number of teens and children are falling prey to the chronic metabolic matter.


    Although many theories have been discussed however, the main pathology is the autoimmune destruction of insulin- secreting pancreatic cells which progressively decrease insulin production resulting in abnormally high glucose levels. Type II Diabetes mellitus is the result of a condition of insulin resistance due to persistently elevated blood glucose levels. The most recent research suggests that abnormal immune function is the top reason for the activation of the immune mediated destruction of pancreatic cells.

    Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is more often reported in children and based on a recent UK report, the incidence in the amount of reported cases of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM or Type I diabetes) in children has increased 5 fold in the last twenty years. Different skeletal issues such as the subluxation of spinal nerves function as a source of continuous strain on the body which disrupts the natural balance among endocrinological, immunological and skeletal systems.


    Extensive research conducted on diabetic and healthy subjects suggested that abnormal body posture, musculoskeletal problems and persistent pain is a primary cause of stress and strain that stimulates the body to release inflammatory mediators in the blood. The musculoskeletal, nervous and immunological systems are all connected. This is particularly true for spine as it functions as rely station for nerves and optimum brain activity is required to coordinate immunological, digestive and hormonal reactions by the body. Spinal manipulation to fix collapsed intervertebral discs aids in enhancing the neural function by relieving the pressure and stimulating recovery.

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    Besides eliminating a potential source of inflammatory mediators and stress hormones that increase glucose levels by cortisol such as action, other advantages of chiropractic adjustments are a healthy and functional immune system is useful in preventing diseases and infections, while at exactly the exact same time also boosting immune function. It may also lower the risk of allergic reactions to possible allergens, improve the functioning of organs and chronic health problems, and stimulate the production of white blood cells which fight inflammation and infectious causing germs or agents.


    Researchers also have identified that apart from Type 1, chiropractic manipulation may also manage glucose levels in Type II Diabetics. The nervous (or autonomic) supply to the pancreas is delivered by spinal nerves which exit from the vertebral foramina. Any disease process between the vertebrae can directly interfere with the spinal nerves and spinal nuclei along the spinal area. It’s thus important to employ a holistic system of therapy for the management of resistant or hormonal related issues to prevent additional damage to fragile spinal structures.

    There has been a whole lot of research done on chiropractic manipulation caused health benefits. A recent report published in the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal, & Family Health gave statistical proof of the direction of blood glucose levels by chiropractic manipulation. According to the report, a 4 year old kid developed significant diabetes with persistently higher glucose levels and was also diagnosed with spinal subluxation. Due to extremely young age, her parents chosen for chiropractic treatment (and she underwent nearly 24 sessions in a span of two months.

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    After the treatment session finished, her physicians were shocked as the not just the spinal subluxation has improved but the glucose levels. During and post-therapy, her Hemoglobin A1C was 6.5 (on 11 units of insulin) instead of 7.2 before treatment (on 15 units of insulin). Chiropractic therapy is effective in children and older for the long term control of diabetes and to increase immune functioning of the human body to strengthen inherent immune defense mechanisms. Speak with your therapist for an assortment of methods available to manage systemic, neural, hormonal or immunological problems.



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