
    Hvad er kvindens sande natur?

    That wonderful old matriarch of Jungian psychotherapy, Marie-Louise von Franz, used to state that Western civilization put just a little gnome on every woman’s shoulder to inform her that she’s wrong, that her work’s no good and that she’s worthless. The type of woman reaches odds with the male-oriented world always.

    Women nature

    The naturalness of women is in the expression of these true nature in a milieu where that’s considered threatening and heretical to conventional values. In recent decades various schools of thought have arisen which comprise the women’s movement. The various feminisms add the radical philosophies of the feminist separatists to the watered-down feminism made popular by the mainstream media, which includes done its far better weaken the brand new voice of true feminism.

    True feminism confronts the appalling and horrendous history of the suppression and persecution of women during the last 2-3 thousand years. The legacy of shameful events, like the systematic genocide and persecution of women healers and herbalists as witches over more than 100 years, today in the continued treatment of women remains around, and by association children, as inferior beings. You can find no complete records of the real amounts of women who have been killed as witches. Felix Morrow, in the foreword to Montague Summers’s THE ANNALS of Witchcraft and Demonology (Secaucus, N.J.: Citadel Press, 1971, p. Is this a conspiracy, due to misguided cynicism or perhaps a case of time heals all wounds merely? Curiously, the Holocaust of World War II includes a second parallel with the persecution of witches. The figure given is eleven million, but that figure is known as too low far.

      Hvordan opnår man personlig tilfredsstillelse som mor?

    Regardless of the alleged progress toward equality of the sexes, women continue being denied a location in society insidiously. In treatment and concept, women have problems with having less credit and acknowledgment still, and continue steadily to suffer subjugation and violence all over the global world in many ways in various cultures. These cultural mores are reflected in the lives of individual ladies in the full total separation of themselves from practically all that’s natural, innately and intrinsic female.


    For a female to find her true self she must step beyond your normal parameters of everything she’s learnt to simply accept and become defined by. Patriarchal society must available to new paradigms and give just as much of the leadership as is humanly possible to women. The complete conceptual structure of our lives should be transformed and paid to the feminine principle in men and women. Finally we have to return the energy the patriarchy stole from women, as Mary Daly put it -the charged power of naming.

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