
    How Not To Get Sick?

    We’re just weeks away from the official beginning of winter. For many people, that means the inevitable beginning of flu and cold season. You may have already experienced your first cough, sneeze, or runny nose of this year. Do you think getting the cold or the flu is inevitable as the weather turns cold and dry?

    Let’s see…

    Well, I’d disagree! It does not have to be like that, at least, not anymore. This may seem obvious to you, but this is one of the fastest and simplest ways to rid yourself of any viruses you might pick up from shaking hands, touching a doorknob, or exchanging money. Use a simple soap and warm water, not warm, and wash your entire hand, including under your fingernails, for 45 seconds (that is singing the Happy Birthday song twice!).

    As a side note, I don’t think in antibacterial soap or hand sanitizer. The adult human body has 100 trillion bacteria cells in and on the body and using anything antibacterial will kill those cells, including the good ones. A fundamental soap will kill the harmful virus-causing germs while leaving intact the helpful bacteria.

    Vitamin D

    Vitamin D deficiency is sadly incredibly prevalent in the U.S., particularly during the winter season. Having low Vitamin D levels will impair your immune system, making you more vulnerable to contracting colds, the flu, or other respiratory ailments. Vitamin D produces 200-300 antimicrobial peptides from the body that kill germs, viruses, and fungi. By keeping the optimal amount of Vitamin D (between 50 and 65 ng/mL), I strongly believe you can prevent the cold or influenza entirely.

    Upping your levels with natural exposure to sun is the perfect method. Spend 10-20 minutes with your hands, arms, and/or face discovered (like no sunscreen). However, our present lifestyles and/or geographic location often make this hard. If that is case, supplementing (search for D3, not D2) is your next best option. Getting your levels tested by means of a blood test is the only way to understand your current level and so know how much you will need to supplement with.

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    Exercise activates your body’s immune response so any regular, moderate exercise you can do will be beneficial. Aim for thirty minutes daily, even if it is a walk around the area. Your immune system is compromised when you aren’t getting enough sleep or enough high quality sleep. Enhance the quality of sleep by dimming the lights, shutting off the TV, and setting aside the computer and operate at least an hour before bed time. Do gentle stretches, have a warm bath, or perform some simple breath work to activate the reaction in your brain that it is time to get ready for sleep.

    Keeping the bedroom temp between 60 and 68 degrees F, wearing socks, and keeping the room as dark as possible by hanging blackout drapes or wearing an eye mask, can enable you to fall asleep more easily and remain asleep through the night.


    Drinking pure, refreshing water is a must for the optimal functioning of all body systems. Regular water consumption, particularly a first glass or two upon first waking, helps to flush the body of toxins, maintaining the immune system functioning efficiently. However, try to stop all liquid intake 2 hours before sleeping, reducing the chance of having to get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom. If you discover you don’t enjoy the taste of your water, think about buying a filtration system, including a few slices of lemon or citrus, or perhaps adding in a few drops of stevia, a natural, South American, sweetener.

    Warm water with a squeeze of fresh lemon could be incredibly soothing and hydrating, particularly first thing in the morning. This could help replace your morning cup of coffee or black tea! Being under chronic stress can weaken your immune system, making you more vulnerable to colds and influenza.


    Stress-combating methods that work are different for everybody. Meditation, journaling, taking a bath, dance around your home, reading your favorite book or magazine, getting out in nature, whatever! What works for YOU? Decide and then do it frequently. Sugar is known as an anti-nutrient, meaning that your body really has to consume its store of nutrients merely to break down sugar. Most processed foods (think most food items which include a box, bag, can, or jar) include sugar or worse, high-fructose corn syrup, each of which can suppress the immune system.

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    Consume whole, unprocessed foods as often as possible and reach for honey, stevia, or maple syrup to the occasional, sweetness. Consuming naturally fermented foods, such as natural sauerkraut (not the kind in a can on your regular supermarket ), kefir (search for the unsweetened selection or create your own), or miso, among others are amazing choices to replenish the beneficial bacteria in our bodies, which in turn boosts your immune system. If you can’t figure out how to eat these kinds of food on a daily basis, consider a probiotic supplement.

    Coconut oil

    It consists of medium-chain fatty acids that, among other items, are amazing for killing harmful bacteria, parasites, and fungi. Adding a tablespoon or two into a morning bowl of steamy oatmeal, spreading some on sprouted grain toast with organic nut butter, or melting a few in a skillet to scramble a few eggs is a excellent way to start off the day! To begin with, the steam rising from a bowl of soup is helpful to float through congestion.

    Final note

    The soup usually contains pepper and garlic, each of which thin the mucus lining, which will help you to breath more easily. Celery is a terrific detoxifying vegetable. Don’t think that can of soup from the supermarket will do just fine. Canned soups often contain excessive amounts of sodium, in addition to sugar and other substances and preservatives. You’ll find the maximum benefit from making your own big batch at home and freezing some for the times when you actually need it. Utilize your body’s natural defenses by following these 10 tips. Colds and flus are going to be a thing of the past!

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