

    What does it mean to check at the Earth as you would your own body? We hear it said that the rain forests are the lungs of the Earth, oxygenating the atmosphere that we breathe. Our body is made from about 70% water and the world’s surface is covered with roughly the same place as water.


    The weather mainly involves the movement of water or water vapour. Our body emotions flow through the water in our body and frequently arrive at the surface as expressions of emotions through tears in our eyeswhile using the weather we might talk of an angry storm or a chill breeze. When we are feeling somewhat depressed we may talk of the dark clouds hanging over us.

    The various states can take on the various qualities of the body. For instance the skin color of the people in each state differs. Many of the people of Africa and the West Indies have a skin color resembling the color of our kidneys and liver. Our blood is red, our bile is yellowish, and the pupils of our eyes are black, till we can find a good illustration of all of the colours of all of the races on the planet within the mobile colour of our body.



    What I am portraying here is a contrast which actually makes you think. If the people of the world are the same as the cells of the body on a conscious world level, we will need to check at the world in an entirely new way. For a single nation to wage war on another is similar to the mind attacking the heart. What you wind up with is heart dis-ease. The exact same in the world – war between counties just hurts the planet and should now be treated as a disease or illness.

    If there were a war going on in our own body and there were dis-ease, we would become aware of the with the sensation of pain. It would be clarified, as an instance, as liver failure, as the cells could have expired due to continuous bombardment of the immune system or too much pollution or work in the body.



    Much like the planet; we must respect the wholeness and oneness of life on the planet. If we find conflict in the world, treat it with love not war. War destroys the organs of the living world like heart or liver dis-ease; while love is like recovery, bringing new growth, balance and health to the diseased area. We’re now moving into the New Earth – a time when we see and experience the wholeness of existence. Let’s all start to breathe love into regions of conflict and bring healing ourselves and the world where we reside. As we learn to calm our feelings and emotions we’ll see the weather patterns coming back into balance. Let’s learn to appreciate and respect all life and see it as part of ourselves.


