
    Was sind die Ursachen für vaginale Trockenheit in der Menopause?

    Vaginal dryness is among the most typical symptoms and a side-effect of menopause also. Women might have problems with this in pre-menopause, menopause and post-menopause phase of these life.

    Hormonelle Veränderungen

    The hormonal imbalance in the physical body of a menopausal woman causes insufficient estrogen, an essential hormone which maintains elasticity of vaginal lining by keeping it moist, to market vaginal dryness or vaginal atrophy. The issue of vaginal dryness might seem petty nonetheless it can be extremely harsh on relationship with male partner. Initially vaginal dryness causes some itching or pain during or after sex but this keeps on increasing to even cause scars and cuts in the vagina to help make the sex very painful.


    Even though problem isn’t aggravated the reduced pleasure and fun in lovemaking act can not work well for healthy relationship. Some women cannot completely perform in the bed. Insufficient estrogen in your body of menopausal women also causes thinning of vagina making the walls of vagina weak and susceptible to yeast and transmissions. Women facing vaginal dryness during menopause could also start experiencing pain in pelvic region because the the circulation of blood decreases because of insufficient estrogen in your body to market further problems and discomfort.

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    Because of severe yeast or infection in the vagina women could have white vaginal discharge that is odorous and painful. Because of growing weakness in the muscles and walls of vagina because of vaginal dryness, issue of incontinence could also creep up and woman might not be in a position to control her urine and distribute few drops while laughing, coughing or sneezing. All these problems could make any woman’s life difficult and for working women such problems can be extremely depressing and debilitating.


    There are various treatments to overcome this issue however. In case a woman start feeling burning sensation in the vagina during penetration or after lovemaking in her pre-menopausal phase can begin taking precautions in order to avoid further complications of vaginal dryness. Doctors suggest more frequent sex in order to avoid vaginal dryness during menopause, to stimulate mucous glands at the bottom of uterus to create more mucous and keep vaginal walls moist and lubricated. Usage of water based lubricants in order to avoid discomfort can be recommended that may help easy movement of male sex organ in the vagina without causing any harm to the vaginal walls.

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    Ensuring sufficient quantity of water intake can help greatly. If degree of estrogen hormone in your body keeps on decreasing and dryness isn’t alleviated by frequent sex and artificial lubricants then there are plenty of herbs which may be of great help. Black cohosh, chaste berry, maca, damiana, licorice, gingko biloba are few herbs which are employed as treatment to take care of dryness during menopause.


    These herbs can be found as supplements by means of capsules and powders and will be utilized in organic form too, whichever way is convenient. However self medication will be avoided as handful of these herbs have become powerful and their dosage ought to be worked by a specialist before use. Ensure sufficient rest and sleep during menopause to help keep anxiety and stress away which also is effective to ease vaginal dryness along with other outward indications of menopause.



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