
    Are You Feeling Invisible At Work?

    Do you feel invisible in your office? Perhaps you work really hard, are extremely reliable and responsible. Your boss and co-workers rely on you to make things happen but somehow you do not feel as if you’re truly valued. Perhaps you believe by now you need to be in a position of higher authority than you locate yourself.

    What to do?

    How can you draw some favorable attention to your work and present yourself as a lady worthy of promotion and recognition in your office? The following is a true story (although the names are changed to protect the innocent!) . Ayorkor is a really ambitious career woman who works for a well-known bookkeeping firm in Accra. When she joined the company she estimated that in five decades, she would rise to the position of senior director.

    However, she’s been in her business for eight years and has only just broken into the ranks of middle management. It looks like the more difficult and more effectively she functions, the more she seems to be ignored. She has felt betrayed by others who have presented her thoughts as their own. Most recently, while having lunch with a number of her colleague managers, she shared her thoughts on how she thinks the company can enhance their billing systems.

    What happened?

    Days after through a management meeting, her colleague raised his hands and asked to discuss an insight on how the company can improve its billing procedures – you guessed it – the specific ideas that Ayorkor shared only days prior. Months later, her colleague was rewarded with a promotion to senior management – the specific advertising that Ayorkor had had her eyes for the last 3 decades. Ayorkor now feels so bitter and unappreciated she’s considering quitting her job.

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    Ask nearly every employer and they’ll confirm to you that as workers, women are usually productive and efficient. We learn to multitask and handle the to-do record and take great satisfaction from crossing completed jobs off the list. On the flip side, companies place a greater premium on strategic and critical thinking, which affect the bottom line. This is proof that the attributes which are most valued and respected in the office may not be what girls are naturally inclined to.

    This means we must work extra hard to develop the skill set that best positions us for success and marketing. It’s easy to overlook the ways we may be shortchanging ourselves professionally throughout how we dress and comport ourselves. A significant question to ask yourself is: what message is the look sending at work? Research reveals 55 percent of how you’re perceived is based on how you look; 38 percent is based on the way you speak, and 7 percent is based on what you say.


    So like it or not, people tend to judge a book by its cover. Your personal grooming and comportment are so critical marketing tools which could position you for success. Obey the old adage: dress for the job you want, not the job you have! Women are often predisposed to behaviours which work against our achievement in the area of work. For instance, a lot of us are inherently caretakers. This is what makes us outstanding in regards to empathising, linking and building relationships. However, the propensity to look after others may impede productivity and teach others to become too dependent.

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    Constantly search for ways your work can affect the bottom line. If, for example, you have ideas for enhancing revenue-flow or work processes, it is always great to send these ideas directly to a decision-maker. If you are seriously interested in a promotion within a particular time period, do your homework and start to add on the skillset or credentials which will make you the ideal candidate for this position. Know that in case you do not talk, someone else will Generally, people judge what you know based on what you find words for.


    Being not able to articulate what you understand is so synonymous with not understanding. The smartest companies know that people who speak up are precious assets particularly if they communicate insights that are essential to the success of their organization. Confronting your fear of speaking up during staff meetings, or taking the lead on a job can actually boost your prospects for promotion. If you don’t learn how to speak your mind in an assertive manner, you should not expect to grow into leadership. From henceforth, I encourage you to think about whatever challenge you face at work as an chance to self-examine and reposition yourself for success. Until next week, triumph on the job!



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