
    Are there Effective Home Remedies for Morning Sickness?

    Morning sickness affects approximately ninety percent (90%) of pregnant women in the first trimester. Morning sickness is a condition that occurs after a full night of sleep. This is a common condition in pregnancy. Extra medications are not necessary. The symptoms can be easily treated with simple home remedies. Some women experience mild symptoms, while others may experience severe morning sickness.

    Morning Sickness

    This sickness is not a reason to feel anxious as it usually goes away when the woman enters the fourth month. Morning sickness can cause nausea and giddiness. This condition can also be accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and headaches. Morning sickness is not a common condition.

    It is believed that hormonal changes during pregnancy are the main cause.

    • Troubles in the digestive system
    • Sensitivity to smell may be increased

    Home Remedies

    These home remedies can be used to calm down symptoms of morning sickness.

    • Get enough sleep and rest.
    • Avoid spicy and rich foods, and eat plenty of protein and carbohydrates. Vitamin B and calcium should be included in your diet.
    • For a smooth functioning digestive system, eat small portions. Don’t overfill your stomach. Keep some cheese, crackers, and digestive biscuits on hand for snacking throughout the day.
    • After waking up, don’t suddenly get out of bed. Relax for a few minutes before you get up from the bed.
    • Take a cup of ginger tea in the morning. This home remedy is effective in relieving morning sickness.
    • Before you go to bed, mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with one tablespoon honey in cold water.
    • Always keep fresh lemon or lime leaves on hand. The lemon’s fragrance helps to reduce nausea.
    • Mix together one teaspoonful of lime juice and one teaspoonful of mint juice. You can add some sugar to the mixture and consume it three times daily. This home remedy is also great.
    • Oranges can be eaten in the morning and afternoon to increase appetite and reduce this problem. Oranges are high in Vitamin C, which is extremely useful throughout pregnancy. Acidity can be caused by too many citrus fruits.
    • Because of their soothing scent, herbal teas made from peppermint can also reduce symptoms of morning sickness.
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