
    What Should You Know About Penis Protection?

    It’s natural to put cash in the bank, possibly jewels in a safe deposit box; these are normal ways to protect valuable assets. But a man can not eliminate his penis, among the very most valuable personal assets, and put it away somewhere. No, he must practice decent penis protection in a more direct, hands-on way.

    Penis health

    Naturally, maintaining penis health is among the greatest penis protection plans, and to do that properly, it pays to understand a few of the enemies out of which is protecting the penis. And in the area of penis protection, lots of the enemies belong to this category called sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Here are a few of the more common ones from that to safeguard the precious penis.

    Gonorrhea. Among the most common STIs, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports an estimated 1.14 million new cases of gonorrhea annually. In men, gonorrhea can lead to infertility and severe infection. Just like many STIs, lots of men and women experience no symptoms and thus don’t understand they have gonorrhea until complications set in.


    Among the symptoms that CAN (but don’t always) happen are pain when urinating, pus in the tip of the penis, swelling and soreness at the balls, rectal itching and/or bleeding, swollen lymph nodes in the throat, eye discomfort, and joint pain. Syphilis. This bacterial disease is another frequent STI – one which is usually cured through the use of penicillin, fortunately, but that has to be caught early to enhance the chances of a cure. Syphilis can cause substantial harm to the brain, the heart, and other organs and can in some instances lead to death. Symptoms vary but usually start with a sore in which the disease entered the body – the mouth, the anus, the genital region.

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    Chlamydia. According to the CDC, chlamydia is the most commonly reported STI in America. It’s one that often goes unnoticed because it may not produce symptoms. When symptoms are present, they can include pain when urinating, a discharge of pus from the penis, and pain in the balls. There may also be a discharge in the anus when a person was infected through anal intercourse.


    Sometimes, complications may include infection of the prostate or limbs gland, in addition to development of a kind of arthritis called Reiter’s syndrome. HIV. The human immunodeficiency virus may result in developing AIDS, a possibly life-threatening illness that severely affects one’s immune system. Common symptoms, usually appearing 2 to 4 months after infection, include those frequently associated with the flu, such as fever, aches, headaches, joint pains, sore throat, and swollen glands. With the majority of STIs, the simplest way to get a sexually active person to prevent disease is through the use of condoms.

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    While they can’t provide 100% protection, they do cut down considerably on the possibility of getting many STIs. People that are at risk of acquiring HIV/AIDS should talk to a physician about PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), which, when used correctly, can significantly reduce the risk of HIV. Also crucial to get a sexually active individual is to be analyzed on a regular basis; many sexual health professionals recommend testing every 3 months so the odds of discovering an STI in its early stages is significantly increased.


    Knowing one’s enemies assists with manhood protection, as does keeping regular penis health.




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